Coles is fundraising!

Coles is fundraising!

This March we are fundraising at Coles Sewing Centre – Deborah, Rose, Jackie, Catherine, Anna and Ellie are taking part in the Cancer Research UK Walk All Over Cancer challenge. We will be walking 10,000 steps a day for the whole of March, which makes a whopping 310,000 steps each! Between us we will be walking at least 1,860,000 steps, which works out at 930 miles – walking in a straight line then that would take us as far as Stockholm or Warsaw!

Map of Europe showing a circle with a radius of 930 miles from Nottingham

930 miles from Nottingham gets you an awfully long way! Map created on

Today, 1st March, is our first day of the challenge and we have already made hitting today’s step target difficult by scheduling our first aid refresher training for this evening. Being on the shop floor keeps us moving throughout the day, but to be sure that we don’t miss our first day’s target then we are all going for a half hour walk together as soon as the shop closes. If you’re in the area and see us power walking around Hockley then give us a wave!

We are proud to support Cancer Research UK, a charity that helps to fund life-changing research into cancer treatment and prevention. As well as providing resources for scientists, doctors and nurses, they provide vital practical information for patients and families on everything from symptoms and screening, to coping after treatment.

Over the last 40 years, cancer survival in the UK has doubled – in the 1970s just 1 in 4 people survived their disease for 10 years or more, but today 2 in 4 survive. Cancer Research UK aims to accelerate progress and see 3 in 4 patients surviving the disease by 2034. Sadly, many of us have a personal connection with someone who has suffered from cancer and 1 in 2 of us will develop it in our lifetime, so a donation today could potentially help someone you care about in the future.

If you can spare a pound or two to help support this great cause then you can donate via our fundraising page here – it’s simple, fast and totally secure. If you are a UK taxpayer then please tick the Gift Aid box – this makes your donation go even further as Cancer Research UK can claim back the tax you have already paid on it. We will also be taking donations in the shop and anything you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to the generosity of the people who have sponsored us so far, we have already raised more than a quarter of our £700 target. There’s still a long way to go, so anything you can give will make a real difference. Thank you.

A screenshot of Coles Sewing Centre's fundraising page for Walk All Over Cancer, showing that so far we have raised £195 and are 27% of the way to our £700 target.